Pluralism in comparative constitutional law

Blog for Roberto Toniatti’s 70 years

This interactive publication is a tribute on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Roberto Toniatti, recently retired Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law.

We wanted this forum to be interactive, because Roberto is as active and productive as ever; he always offers new stimuli and continues to actively participate in many ongoing debates. His ideas are creative and dynamic, and his continuous and decades-long body of academic work forms an exemplary contribution to comparative constitutional law.

Our publication takes its cue from the multitude of thoughts and theoretical contexts developed over the decades by Roberto Toniatti, and therefore offers the opportunity to examine all his work in filigree. In this Blog, Roberto’s colleagues and friends express comments and opinions on his work and develop his suggestions further in order to stimulate discussion and interaction.

So, what does this publication contain?

We have divided the contributions into different thematic sections which follow some important lines of thought in Roberto's work: (1.) the different manifestations of pluralism; (2.) territorial pluralism and regional autonomy; (3.) reflections on the comparative method and, finally, (4.) reflections of a more personal nature.

Go to Contributions

Some of the participants comment on Roberto’s entire oeuvre, others on individual texts, others take individual suggestions, or even individual footnotes from his texts as starting points. The comments concern texts covering four decades, written in Italian, English and Spanish. Roberto’s immense international network is reflected in the origins of the bloggers, who come from many different countries and constitutional systems, from the fields of law, sociology, economics and administration, as well as practice. In the “Authors” menu you can find more detailed information on all the authors of the entries.

Finally, congratulations to Roberto Toniatti and a heartfelt thanks to all those who contributed either by writing articles or in other ways to make the publication of this Blog possible!

Carlo Casonato, Jens Woelk, Luisa Antoniolli, Marco Dani, Cinzia Piciocchi, Davide Strazzari, Simone Penasa, Fulvio Cortese


We wish to thank Michelangelo De Cia for the webdesign of the blog, as well as Loredana Giacomelli, Martina Franceschi, Matteo Rossaro and Giorgia Sartori from the administrative offices of the Faculty of Law, and Alessandra Saletti from the central University administration (Communication and Media Relations), for their kind support in setting up this website.

A special thanks goes to Matteo Boato, who generously allowed the reproduction of some of his art works. Further information on


Jens Woelk, Carlo Casonato, Luisa Antoniolli e Marco Dani