Roberto Toniatti has written extensively and on many different fronts. His publications, which number close to two hundred, are distinguished by the fact that he has dealt with the most varied themes, covering every latitude and longitude on earth.
His first works on Israel were flanked by research on emerging countries, on Spain and the United States of America, and by a careful and extensive study on the European Union which, among the first in the field of comparative constitutionalism, traced lines of research that were later widely disseminated. In the years that followed, Roberto's studies on the United States multiplied, and his constant attention was focused on their constitutional evolution, together with reflections on other legal systems (from Canada to Austria, from Ireland to the Balkans, from the United Kingdom to Switzerland), together with significant publications on the comparative method. In addition to the 'global' dimension, Roberto also devoted himself to the local, publishing articles that became points of reference for the protection of minorities and issues of territorial autonomy. The two levels are frequently intertwined, leading him to propose, among other things, decisive contributions on the subject of cross-border cooperation and the Euregio.
From the form of government to the various models for protecting rights, from the electoral system to federalism, from the comparative method to supranational integration: there are thus many topics to which Roberto has actively contributed, with originality and nonconformism, innovative, in-depth and always rigorous lines of research, opening up new paths and perspectives for the studies that many of us have subsequently developed.
For an initial overview of Roberto Toniatti’s publications, see:
"Israele: una Costituzione a tappe, in Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, 1977." in RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI DIRITTO PUBBLICO, (1977);
Costituzione e direzione della politica estera negli Stati Uniti d'America, Milano: Giuffré, 1983;
"Limiti e prospettive del giuspacifismo" in Verso una difesa popolare non violenta per l'Italia?, Padova: CEDAM, 1988;
"Il diritto pubblico comparato" in R. Sacco (edited by), Che cos'è il diritto comparato, Milano: Giuffré, 1992;
"Minorities and protected minorities: constitutional models compared" in T. Bonazzi, M. Dunne (edited by), Citizenship and rights in multicultural societies, Keele: Keele university press, 1996;
"Minoranze (diritti delle)" in Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani (edited by), Enciclopedia delle scienze sociali, Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 1996;
"Cooperazione transfrontaliera e tutela delle minoranze: il progetto Euregio" in Autonomie nell'area dolomitica tra storia e attualità: atti del convegno di studi: Belluno, 21 giugno 1996;
"La via giurisdizionale per la legittimazione dell'Unione Europa" in DIRITTO PUBBLICO COMPARATO ED EUROPEO, n. 1 (2000);
"Los derechos del pluralismo cultural en la nueva Europa" in REVISTA VASCA DE ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA, v. 58, (2000);
"Potere estero e politica economica delle Regioni: il nuovo assetto istituzionale e le ragioni dell'economia territoriale" in LE REGIONI, v. 19, (2001);
Diritto, diritti, Giurisdizione. La Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione Europea (curatore), PADOVA: CEDAM, 2002;
"An ever more complex Union: the regional variable as a missing link in the EU Constitution?" (co-curatore), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2004; "Trent'anni di autonomia" (co-curatore), Bologna: Il Mulino, 2005;
"Die Evolution der Sütiroler Sonderautonomie von konkordanzdemokratischen Garantien zur territorialen "Selbstbestimmung"" in J. Marko, S. Ortino, F. Palermo, J. Woelk (edited by), Die Verfassung der Suedtiroler Autonomie, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005;
I Balcani occidentali: le Costituzioni della transizione" (co-curatore), Torino: Giappichelli, 2008;
Il pluralismo nella transizione costituzionale dei Balcani: diritti e garanzie" (co-curatore), Trento: Università di Trento, 2010;
Quarant'anni di autonomia (co-curatore), Milano: Franco Angeli, 2011;
"Le droit traduit et comparé" in D. Londei, M. Callari Galli (edited by), Traduire les savoirs, Berne: Peter Lang, Editions Scientifiques Internationales, 2011;
"Le nuove frontiere del diritto comparato" (co-curatore), Trento: Università di Trento, Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche, 2012;
"Indigenous Peoples’ Sovereignty and the Limits of Judicial and Legal Pluralism: American Tribes, Canadian First Nations and Scandinavian Sami Compared" (co-curatore) Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, 2014;
“Zhivoy” sud dlya “zhivogo” prava: konstitutsionnaya tranzitologiya i gosudarstvennye sderzhki i protivovesy" in Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie, v. 2016, n. 5 (2016);
"El paradigma constitucional de la inclusión de la diversidad cultural: Notas para una comparación entre los modelos de protección de las minorías nacionales en Europa y de los pueblos indígenas en Latinoamérica" in INTER-AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL, v. 2016, n.1;
"Asian Constitutionalism and Legal Pluralism: Preliminary Thoughts on Going Beyond the «World Constitutional Phenomenon»," in THE PLURALIST PAPERS, v. 2017, (2017);
"Regional Autonomy, Cultural Diversity and Differentiated Territorial Government: The Case of Tibet – Chinese and Comparative Perspectives" (co-curatore) London: Routledge, 2017;
"Il fattore «minoranza linguistica» nella revisione statutaria delle autonomie speciali alpine." (co-curatore), Trento: Università degli Studi di Trento, 2017;
Gli ordinamenti dell’Euregio. Una comparazione" (co-curatore) Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2018;
Comparing Constitutions in the Global Era: Opportunities, Purposes, Challenges, 67 KANSAS LAW REVIEW 693 (2019).